Webshop  💛 

Let’s go! ❤️.

If you like, my new webshop is now open with couple of new sales items like physical stickers made from my art.

There is also an unique Tesla Light Show what you can buy – Simon Pollock helped me to offer this beautiful song for the sale. 

Song is called Castles in the sky ✨💛

Thank you so much! 💖

PS: The webshop is operated by my company with normal Finnish company laws and tax obligations. You can also purchase consulting services through my pages ❤️


Here you can find the different options for the products - for the download products the link will arrive to your e-mailbox ❤️

The sticker deliveries will begin in November. Thank you for your purchase 🙂

VAT is added to the prices at the checkout. ALV lisätään hintaan kassalla.

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